Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria
Siboglinidae Osedax roseus
Genus Species

BI-2019-003, #RVC



T931-A2. Originally identified as: Epiphyseal plate w/size classes of oses. Dive: T931. Location: Frank whalefall. Coordinates, depth: 36 46.2868, 122 4.9679, 1019.2 m.

(image not available)


Whalefall Frank, Monterey Submarine Canyon

36.7714° N
122.0829° W

1019.0 m

Jan. 4, 2006

ROV Tiburon

R/V Western Flyer

Greg Rouse | Fredrik Pleijel | Robert Vrijenhoek

Shana Goffredi

formalin 10% sw

EtOH 50%

This record represents the average ROV latitude, average ROV longitude, and selected depth for the dive. Chief Scientist Robert Vrijenhoek.