Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Spionida
Spionidae Laonice




VIR 22521

(image not available)


Rosebud whalefall, off San Diego

32.7769° N
117.4881° W

845.0 m

June 20, 2014

ROV Doc Ricketts

R/V Western Flyer

G. Rouse, R. Vrijenhoek

V.I. Radashevsky

formalin 8%

EtOH 50%

Coordinates from Bob Vrijenhoek's cruise notebook: 32 46.6080, -117 29.2863 = 32.77680, -117.488105; 850 m. Originally entered under acc. no. BI-2014/15-204, acc. date 2/5/2015, as (32.77683, -117.49814), which is within ~1 km of the Vrijenhoek notebook coordinates. Average ROV coordinates and maximum depth from MBARI dive log (version 2019): 32.7716377, -117.4533871, 849.81 m. Chief Scientist: R. Vrijenhoek. Most accurate location for Rosebud as of 2020-02-09 is 32 46.6119 N, 117 29.2839 W = 32.776865, -117.488065; 845 m.