Annelida Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata Phyllodocida
Polynoidae | Macellicephalinae

FK190106, BI-2019-006, NSF OCE-1634172



CR19-0333. Polynoid, red. On rock. Macro-photographed individual whole in 2 ml ethanol; micro-photographed individual subsampled and vouchered in formalin. Event: S1. Formalin material: voucher (2 ml). Ethanol material: 1 whole (2 ml), scales (2 ml). Photos: Macro 248-5210...11 (ethanol individual); 1635-47 x0.8, 1648-51 x1.6 (formalin individual).

(image not available)

S0225 S1

Las Gemelas Seamount, near Isla del Coco

4.9812° N
87.4564° W

571.1 m

Jan. 20, 2019

ROV SuBastian

R/V Falkor

Greg Rouse | Avery Hiley

Greg Rouse | Avery Hiley

formalin 10% sw

EtOH 50%

S0225-S1. Sampled with: slurp. Sampled into: Suction Sampler - Chamber - 01. Sample type: Biological. Event logger description: 'worm next to anemone'.