Annelida | Polychaeta | Errantia | Aciculata | Phyllodocida |
Sphaerodoridae | Sphaerephesia | sp. A10069 |
Genus | Species |
FK190106, BI-2019-006, NSF OCE-1634172
CR19-0101. Sphaerodorid 2. Event: wood slurp S1. Ethanol material: 1. Photos: 0765-7 x6.
S0214 S1
Jaco Scar
9.1172° N
84.8424° W
1874.7 m
Jan. 7, 2019
ROV SuBastian
R/V Falkor
Greg Rouse | Allison Miller
Avery Hiley | Greg Rouse
EtOH 95%
EtOH 95%
S0214-S1. Sampled with: Starboard Manipulator. Sampled into: Suction Sampler - Chamber - 01. Sample type: Biological. Event logger description: 'hyalonecia and creatures from wood log (galatheids. scaleworms. and more)'.