Annelida Polychaeta | Sedentaria Terebellida
Terebellidae | Polycirrinae

FK190106, BI-2019-006, NSF OCE-1634172



CR19-0098. Swimming terebellids. Event: S8. One whole to Lisa; one PFA with subsample to Lisa; one whole in formalin; one bisected RNAlater/frozen with piece in ethanol. Formalin material: 1 (15 ml). Ethanol material: subsample (2 ml), voucher. RNAlater material: piece. PFA material: 1. Other material: piece frozen -80C. Photos: 241-4342...47.

(image not available)

S0219 S8 terebellid

Rio Bongo Scar

9.2822° N
85.281° W

659.3 m

Jan. 13, 2019

ROV SuBastian

R/V Falkor

Greg Rouse | Avery Hiley

Greg Rouse

formalin 10% sw

EtOH 50%

S0219-S8. Sampled with: Starboard Manipulator. Sampled into: Suction Sampler - Chamber - 08. Sample type: Biological. Event logger description: 'terebellid'.